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Earns lap privileges

I never knew how much I needed her till now that I have her.
We lost our 13YO back in the summer and she used to sit with me on the couch in the morning while I had my coffee and before the rest of the house was awake. I was so heartbroken when we lost her because it was those little things that her and I did that were very special.
We adopted Sophie more for our kids cause our old girl wasn’t their speed lol so we had them both but Sophie had to earn certain privileges like the couch to appreciate them in time.
Fast forward from then to now and we’ve had Sophie almost a year, and in the mornings when she wakes me up to go out and have breakfast, I make my coffee, and she stands next to the couch waiting for me to come sit down and invite her up beside me… and we cuddle together. Quietly waiting for the rest of the house to wake up. But this is our time together and I love and appreciate every second of it and am so grateful that she came into our lives not for the reasons we thought we originally needed her, but because later I never knew how much I would need her to heal from the hole I had.