Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.

It has been a while since I gave a Dobby update (aka Freckles) but I received some adorable photos from his dog daycare in the Dominican that I have to share here 😍
We’ve since moved to Mexico (Dobby is a well travelled elf). We spent one night sleeping in the airport due to a canceled flight and Dobby was sure to stay warm and safe with whoever was on the floor with him 😝
He celebrated his second birthday last week, is still dating Luna, our wee rescue from DR, and is often sought by my youngest in moments when he feels sad.
Although he torments the cat, swipes full meals off the table (peanut butter preferred) and will sometimes take out a child if he really wants the stick they’re holding or hat they’re wearing, he is my absolute best friend and the best companion ever! Just don’t tell my husband 😉
Tina Sal Jackson