Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.
Juno our love bug

In September 2018, we lost our border collie named Shamrock. She was only 9 years old, and she passed in her sleep from what our vet presumed to be a large tumor on her liver that went undetected. We were completely devastated and shocked by her passing. I cried every single day for weeks.
I have been a follower of NDR on Facebook for quite some time. My friend introduced me to the rescue when she got her pup. I always enjoyed scrolling through and looking at who was up for adoption and who was lucky enough to get a home. One day in late November 2018 I saw this sad face, a dog who looked a little timid and scared. Something in me said "you have to bring this girl home". I showed my husband, and knowing how sad I had been since the loss of our girl Shamrock he said go ahead and apply, let's see what happens.
I applied, we got approved and we waited for her arrival on December 15th at the Husky station with dozens of other hopeful and excited fur parents to be. Juno was one of the first ones off, and she was just excited for life. She loved us right away! She made friends with our basset hound Guinness the second she walked though our gate. We were so happy with how easily she fit it.
The first couple of weeks passed by with no issues at all, she was a happy girl. She was only 10 months old, so she had boundless energy and just wanted to play 24/7, and our old pup Guinness obliged. Soon after, some personality traits began to come through. She hated anyone who entered our house. To the point I was concerned she may bite someone. She would patrol our front windows watching and waiting for a stranger to pass by and bark endlessly at. We contacted NDR for a referral to a dog trainer. We worked with a wonderful woman who came out and explained things that made so much sense and were so logical, yet we hadn't thought of them. She gave us the tools we needed to work with Juno and curb her behavior. It wasn't immediate, it wasn't fool proof. We had to (and continue to) work with her on these issues. She is a possessive girl. She loves her family and select few outsiders.
We have had Juno for almost 3 years now. She is a love bug, she is a champion snuggler. She loves her ball, she loves her brother Guinness and she loves her people. We have made so much progress with her and continue to work with her when things come up, generally involving strangers. She is a smart girl, and we couldn't be happier to have her in our lives.