Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.

Kingston filled my void

We had considered getting a dog for quite sometime, but there just wasn’t enough time in our day to care for one, properly anyway. Then the Pandemic hit and I was in the house with no where to go and nothing to do! I had been off of work since early December 2020. You get a feeling of sadness, like is this all there is for me.  The kids are grown and independent;  they don’t need me. Your self worth goes down the tubes and depression sets in.

I was at this point when we decided to adopt (along with everyone else). After many unsuccessful applications and rejections we found Niagara Dog Rescue.

We adopted Kingston whose profile picture melted my heart. This sad looking 45lb puppy was calling me. When he came to us he had grown to 65lbs. He had no real leash manners, but was very happy and excitable. There were weeks of sitting on the floor, hand feeding him and now he will eat all by himself (as long as I’m in the room). He walks beautifully on his leash (some slip ups) and does not become aggressive with other dogs, cats, squirrels,birds or people. He merely watches them in wonder and occasionally whimpers. Now he can go off leash to play ball. He sits on us like he’s a small puppy and loves to look out the window at everything. He is a destroyer of anything he can get his mouth and will generally swallow it as well. We constantly do poop checks. Everyone we meet on our walks tells him what a beautiful/ handsome boy he is. (I think so too).

My void is now filled and Kingston owns the house and everything in it.

Without Niagara Dog Rescue Kingston would have been euthanized and I wouldn’t have been able to fall in love with this big goofball❤️

Thank you to all the wonderful people at NDR who volunteer their time to match up families with these wonderful dogs.

Kingston on a leashKingston on our lap

Thank you to
our partners!

We couldn’t do what we do without the
wonderful ongoing support from our
community partners. We encourage
all of our supporters to also
support our partners however
you’re able!