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Nyla and Gizmo

Hi my name is a Nyla (I'm the good looking blue girl). I don't remember much about the first year of my life other than I was always outside on a chain and didn't really have anything to play with. Then one day, some people came to my house and took me away to live with a nice lady. She was really nice to me and I loved being with her. She let me inside her house, gave me some good food to eat, played with me and gave me a nice comfy bed to sleep in. But then one day some people came to take me away from her. I didn't want to go and was very sad. Me and some other dogs spent a long time in this truck and when we finally got out, it was cold and there was all this white stuff on the ground. I was confused and scared and didn't know what to do. I got into another car with some people that seemed really happy to have me there. I didn't know what was going on, but there was a comfy blanket, and I was so tired that I just slept. When they got me home, I was a little scared because I didn't know them, and I was hoping they weren't like my first owner. It turns out they were really nice and let me stay inside and gave me some good food and a comfy bed too! They play with me, take me on walks, teach me lots of tricks and give me lots of treats. They keep telling me I'm part of their family and that they love me so much. I've been here 2 years now and I hope I never have to leave! About a year ago, a new friend came to stay with us. He's a bit of a pain in the butt, but we really like playing together. He gets nervous and sometimes I have to help him and let him know he's ok now.
Hi my name is Gizmo (I'm the cute tan boy) and I didn't have the best start. I lived on the streets for most of my life until some people came along and took me to play with lots of other dogs, I think they called it a shelter. It was really loud, and it made me so nervous. I didn't have anyone, but some nice people would come and give me food and water everyday. They were really really nice to me. One day some people came to take me away. Me and some other dogs spent a really long time in this truck and when we finally got out it was cold and there was all this white stuff on the ground. When I finally got out, I was so scared. Some people took me to another car that was waiting but I really didn't want to get in. When I got in, I just curled up with the lady in the backseat and was hoping she wouldn't hurt me. She was so kind and let me stay close to her until we got out of the car. When I got out, there was another dog there and I didn't know if she was nice or bad. I was really tired, so I didn't want to talk to her. These nice people then took me to their house and gave me some food and even let me sleep inside their house! The other dog that I met was also in the house, but we didn't see each other for a few weeks. Turns out she's really nice, although there are times when she doesn't want to play. She's been here for a while, so I look to her when I'm unsure or scared. My new family is wonderful. They take me for walks with my sister Nyla, teach us tricks, give of lots of food.....I love food....and give us lots of hugs. Nyla told me that I don't have to worry about anything anymore :)
Feb 13, 2021 we were blessed with a beautiful addition to our family. Nyla came to us all the way from South Carolina and didn't have the best start to her life. She was rescued from someone that had her chained in the backyard and her foster did an amazing job to get her to be a happy and healthy doggy again. We picked her up and instantly felt in love with her. She has been such a great addition to our family and I can't imagine the life she would have had if there weren't people who cared about her welfare. Nyla immediately bonded with our son and it's amazing to see what a great dog she turned out to be with some love. She has been so great that we decided to adopt another one from NDR.
Feb 13, 2022....the exact same day we picked up Nyla a year earlier, we were blessed with Gizmo. Gizmo came to us all the way from a shelter in San Antonio Texas. We didn't have any back story other than he was picked up a stray and was in the shelter for about a month or so. My daughter bonded immediately with Gizmo and I love seeing each of my kids have a dog that is beyond happy to be with them. Gizmo and Nyla didn't exactly get along at first but we took our time and now Nyla is Gizmo's emotional support dog :) I'm sure there are days when she wishes he was more low key but she loves playing with him. After a year together they are developing a bond and I love seeing them sleep so deeply because they feel safe and don't have a care in the world anymore.
Thank you to all the volunteers at NDR, the fosters, the shelter workers, the advocates and everyone else who had a hand in bringing these two little monkeys to us.
Fernando M.